My Mothers loving voice

Created by Lora 3 years ago

My Mother’s Voice

No matter how many times we said, I love you, how many phone calls, how many lunches/dinners and shopping trips we shared or how many times we said our goodbyes, it wasn’t enough.  There weren’t many days throughout my entire life that your voice did not touch me.  I miss your voice the most, what I wouldn’t give to hear it once again.  The morning calls were always the best.  They were filled with hope, your very ambitious day, what you were going to wear and of course that gosh darn hair that you were never happy with, yet somehow you always looked beautiful.

I know often times, to you, it seemed as if your life wasn’t always that exciting, but to me, you never slowed down and you somehow had another story to share the next day with me.  I miss your voice sharing your stories.  Each day I try to think about something you shared with me, sometimes it’s just your opening line “Hello Dear”, two simple words, that now mean everything to me and at times can bring me comfort. 

Your voice at times could surely be heard around the world especially when you meant business.  Whether you were calling us in for dinner as a child, giving us a stern talking to, reminding me that you were the mother and still in charge, or ending our visit or phone calls with “I Love You”, I was always listening and I hope that I can hold onto those voices forever.

You were a woman of strength, independence, honesty, loved your children dearly and had an eye for beauty.  You taught me the value of a dollar and wasted nothing, I’m still a work in progress, LOL, but I won’t forget your words of wisdom. I will continue to reflect on your qualities and draw strength from them on days when I wish I could hear your voice or be with you.

Your gardens were a true reflection of your beauty.  Our annual tradition of shopping for the perfect plants, the perfect color and the perfect pot were enjoyed by so many, it brought so much joy to you. I felt privileged and pride each time I walked up to your door knowing I had a hand in your beauty.  You told me the key to the beautiful blooms were the endless conversations you had to have with them, sing them a song and to surround them with your love of gnomes and they did not disappoint. I can’t walk by a gnome or a beautiful garden that I don’t think of you and a smile comes across my face.

Your personality, your smile and your laughter could light up a room.  You loved a good time, a good drink and any kind of music and if you were with your children it was a bonus.  You will always be remembered for your dancing hands and tapping feet and bright smile

Mom, you have been an amazing voice in my life.  I will carry your words of wisdom, your words of kindness and your loving conversations with me forever.  I couldn’t have asked for a more loving mother and my life will never be same without you in it.   I will carry our memories with me forever.

Your loving daughter, Lora